Center of Excellence
High Ticket Elective Surgeries
Get The Very Best Healthcare
At a Much Lower Price

Toyota and Motorola popularized Six Sigma or “lean production” methods. In short, “lean” means an all-out quest for efficiently delivering the highest quality outcome. We are now seeing the first wave of hospitals embracing this modality. The results being far higher quality outcomes while also achieving significantly lower costs.
The Basic Make-up of a Center of Excellence
With a Center of Excellence your benefits are:
Superior outcomes for procedures
Lower cost due to lean management efficiency, i.e. Six Sigma
Physician financial incentive not based on volume
Lower rate of unnecessary surgery due to “differential diagnosis”
Physicians function as teams
“The right answer is exactly the opposite of wellness programs spending large sums to reduce long-term risks on an unmotivated population. Rather, a small percentage of our working population needs major interventions and is highly motivated to find the best ones.”
Source: Cracking Health Costs: How to Cut Your Company’s Health Costs and Provide Employees Better Care, Tom Emerick & Al Lewis, 2013